2 min read
02 Apr


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Community Reviews

Community Review #1:

Too many Christians think that God only speaks through the Bible. Yes, that is one way that he speaks, but he also speaks to us through our own thoughts and the words of others. Sometimes God waits for us to turn to him and ask for him to speak. The author explains the salvation process in old but new ways. She helps us to understand God both as Father and as Righteous Judge. She explores part of the Courts of Heaven process which is still a new understanding in many churches. (Even though it's clearly evident in the book of Job.) There is a real Supernatural World that is operating outside of our conscious awareness. It is possible for us to hear it, but too often we simply tune it out. If we can learn to tune in, we will discover more truth and more strength than what we could ever dream possible.
The author is a great writer, easy to read and understand. I only gave the book 4* because of formatting issues that appeared on the e-book. 

Community Review #2:

This book was direct and to the point without all the fluff you sometime see in Instructional books. I liked very much how her writing is tied to scripture and how she cleared up some scripture that had puzzled me for years (i.e, why Moses wasn’t allowed to enter the Promised Land). This shows you the ways God speaks to you - Word of Knowledge, Words of Wisdom, dreams, etc.. No matter how much you may think you know, there’s always room for additional learning - especially God-inspired teaching, which this is. This book has held more value for me than those trying to sell their books for astronomical prices. Thank you Lynn Hardy for being obedient to your calling and His Word. 

Community Review #3:

My friends refer to God incidents. I found this book on Weber Books at a time when I was struggling with what to do with my life after retirement. My many careers have been in jobs where I believe God placed me so I could use His gifts freely given. Some were very difficult assignments and resulted in disabilities. I've prayed for inspiration. This book is a start toward learning God's plan for me. 

Community Review #4:

From the first moment I picked up this book and opened the first page, I knew the message contained within was truly inspired by God's Holy Spirit. Never before have I encountered anyone who believed as I do when it comes to distributing the Truth. These books are a must read. Do yourself a favor and enlist in this Bible boot camp. Its worth every minute you invest between the covers. I personally could hardly put it down. And that was just to eat. Praise God in all His Glory. Amen. 


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