February 23 2019 Day 2 - Devotion
My Passage Today
Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly,
Whoever sows generously will also reap generously.
You give more love, then you receive more love,
You give less love, then you receive less love.
...And this love translates in many ways. It could be through
Simply listening,
Spending quality time,
Volunteering in church or community service,
Tithing/ monetary assistance
and a lot more practical ways.
Here is the funny thing Lord. You mentioned or through Paul that he was sending his fellow brothers in advance with his letters to ensure that they were really preparing to give as Paul has been boasting about it to others. He doesn't want them to be reluctant that by the time that Paul is about the collect their gifts, they might not be ready. He doesn't want them to give out of compulsion or grudgingly. That is so true. :) I couldn't agree more. As my girlfriend and I are planning, praying and talking to people about our wedding, one of my church leaders said this “it is better to plan ahead and let them know in advance so that they can prepare and share whatever they can out of love. Paul is right in saying that they might give grudgingly if they were surprised instead of them knowing in advance and letting them prepare for it.
My Companion :)
Thank you lord for affirming what I've been sharing to Beshy about this. I really appreciate it. I really do. It's amazing Paul cares about them. Yes he cares about what they will give because it is the proof of what Paul has promised the poor in Jerusalem and other parts of his ministry field but most importantly he cares how they give. He says that God loves a cheerful giver. And in all these things the very reason why we are able to give it's because God enables us to do so in order for us to abound in every good work (2 Corinthians 9:8).
Lord thank you for enabling me to reach out to others, for enabling me to share my resources, for enabling me to extend your love especially to the needy ones.
The Original Draft
For all the times that I chose and did not exercise generosity in love through my finances, physical abundance, emotional health, companionship and spiritual extension of love, please forgive me Lord. Please continue to enable me to sow generously in love so that they me see how generous you are as my Lord and Savior whom God the Father sent as His reflection all the way to your church, your children. Thank you and I love you Lord, Amen.