As Beshy and I were talking last night about being destitute for God's service, I cannot help but wonder if there is anyone right these days living like Apostle Paul. If not exactly the same way, at least close to how Paul lived and experienced persecution yet not crashed. I asked Beshy if she knows anyone and I was not surprised that she could not think of any.Though my heart and mind were expecting that she would pop up a name by the like of Billy Graham or Bill Bright of Campus Crusade for Christ.
I examined myself as to how I am living my life as Christ follower compared to how Paul lived and served Of course the rationale is that we do not have to live like him because we are living in a different culture, age and time, hence different type of people. It makes sense to me however what I learned in Bible school through some reading and lecture that the Scripture is counter-cultural. Indeed it is.So for people like me, we really have to count the cost of following Him, just like what Paul did. Not exactly the same way but exactly or even way eager to die for him in serving God, knowing and understanding who we are and what we ought to live for.