9 min read
21 Feb

Bible Text: Matthew 16:24-27

24 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If anyone wants to become my follower, he must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me. 25 For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life because of me will find it. 26 For what does it benefit a person if he gains the whole world but forfeits his life? Or what can a person give in exchange for his life? 27 Forthe Son of Man will come with his angels in the glory of his Father, and then he will reward each person according to what he has done.



 Discover the details of the text:


Structure: Grammar, structural Markers etc.

Must deny Himself (emphatic, imperative?)

Take up his cross

For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life because of me will find it.

Atmosphere: Mood (Happy, Sad) tone or urgency etc.

Check Bible Summary for this.

Intense, as He is nearing His death/crucifixion.

Literary Features: Metaphors, Simile, Repetition etc.

For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life because of me will find it.

Terms: Theological Term, with double meaning, rare etc.




          Interpretative Questions (What does it mean? How? Why?)

          Co-text, Context, Culture, Canon and Commentaries

Co-text: Book of Matthew

Context: Jesus was talking about His death to His Disciples

Culture: Cross is the worst horrifying death by that time (Roman Empire)

Canon/Cross-Reference/Old Testament: Matt 10:38, Luke 14:27


Life means spirit, soul, breath

Lose vs. find (save)

Cross means the troubles in life.

Generate Summaries (Application):

          Theme: General subject matter of the passage.

                   Jesus Christ talks about being a true follower of Him who is willing to lose their life and take up their cross in order to gain an eternal blessing that which is eternal life and reward.

          Topic: Subject matter of the given text.

                   A true follower must deny himself and follow Christ’s footstep.

Truth Statement: 

          Jesus Christ was talking to His disciples about being a true follower of Him.

Thrust Statement: Specific Application from the given text to his original audience.  

                    As Jesus Christ’s follower, a disciple must deny Himself and follow Him in order for him to gain an eternal reward.


          Simply turn the Truth and Thrust Statement into universal statement.

As a true believer and follower of Christ, one must deny himself and be willing to carry his own cross for God and his eternal reward.


          Teaching Frame: Elevate (Teenager/Youth/Students) / Elevate Service / CCF Fairview / Feb 2, 2019 3pm / True Discipleship means

          Theme: Genuine Discipleship

          Topic: Discipleship

          Turning Point (Main Idea): A Genuine Discipleship is a true mark of true Christ’s followers.

          Thrust: One must be a true disciple to be able to make disciple.

          Text: Matthew 16:24-27

          Title: You are Christ’s Disciple, live like one.


          Take-off: (Intro)

                   Interesting beginning: (Story, Question etc.)

Rizalista, or any religious movement where they go by the name of who they follow after. That is where they get their identity. The same thing with us. We call ourselves Christians because we follow Christ, or so we thought.

                   Needs: Problems

We love to call ourselves as Christians. We identify with Christ, but we do not really live out who we really are and what we ought to do to prove it to others, do we?

                   Overview: Transition to text (Read the whole passage)

Last 2 Saturdays ago, Kuya Joseph talked about Discipleship at heart. As we have started the year 2019, we want to have a fresh start and really live out what Christ has commissioned as to do and that is to go and make disciples. But what does it really mean to go and make disciples? And Why is it that we are not making disciples? What’s hindering us to do it? But first, let’s define what is Discipleship and when did we become His Disciple ourselves?

So what is Discipleship? I’ve heard and read lots of definition of discipleship. Some say that you must have a follower, a follower that you can quantify. Meaning you can pinpoint and tell them who they are by heart and they are being seen with you around. Just like Jesus Christ’s disciples. They are always around whenever and wherever Jesus Christ is. Some say you must be a Dgroup Leader and you must have your own Dgroup so you can call yourself a Discipler of Christ. Then only then, you can say that you are obeying God’s commandment which is “go and make disciples.” You see, you can have many Dgroups or followers because you are very good in pleasing people or its easy for you to get along with others because of your light demeanors and you always bring food whenever you meet with your Dgroup. But if we are not really discipling them and learning with them about Christ, then it is not a true discipleship, is it? Maybe, you are a Discipler of someone or something else. There is this principle of being and becoming a true discipleship of Christ which we call it F.A.T. Are you ready to know what it is?

First, F- Faithfulness. What are you faithful about? We can be so busy about meeting our Dgroups or group of friends but if we are not doing what we are supposed to do then maybe we are not really making disciples even if you are meeting with your Dgroup. So what are we to be faithful about? The Bible says in Matthew 28:18-20 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

As we go and make disciples, we have to teach them to obey everything that God has commanded us to do. The other extreme of it, if you are not faithful to what God has commanded us, then you might be faithful to something or someone else? Is it possible? I think it is. Maybe, you are faithful only to yourself, to make you look yourself great in the eyes of the others. So we have to ask ourselves, Am I really faithful? Committed? And if I am faithful, what am I faithful to?

Some also think that if they join a discipleship Group or Dgroup in short, they would lose their identity of who they are. They feel like if they commit themselves, they would lose their happiness and so they’re not willing to be faithful and commit their lives to Jesus Christ. Do you know what the Bible says? Matthew 16:25 For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it. We have to understand that in order for us to know who we really are, we have to go back to the Author and Creator of our life and that is God! We have this distorted view of life because of our sinful nature. Yes, we have this identity but it is a distorted, twisted identity that we came up for ourselves and God is in the business of restoring that broken relationship through Jesus Christ! Therefore, if we want to find or save our true identity then we must come to Him in repentance and brokenness, in humility. We’re trying to stay away from it before because we think it’s a cult but it is not. It is the fountain of life. “This is not kulto, cool to pre.”  Again, Discipleship is about being faithful to what God has commanded us to do – to go and make disciples by teaching them everything that He has commanded us.

Second, A – Availability. We can make ourselves committed to something but if we are not making ourselves available, then what good is it? We all want to do great at something in our life. For example, as a student, you want to get a high score but if you’re not studying and you’re so busy doing a lot of unimportant things in life then it’s not going to get you anywhere. Or you want to volunteer in the church but you’re too busy doing something else. Or you want to lead a Dgroup but you just can’t commit because you’re not available. You see, it is not that you are not available or you do not have time for it, I propose that it is putting things in your priority list. You see the things that we value the most are the things that are on top of our list. So what are your priorities? What is more important to you? Your studies or your crazy friends who would bring you places? Your hobbies? Think about it. We do not have all the time in the world. We don’t want to wake up one day in regret for not being able to do what we were supposed to do.

For some, when you ask them to join a Dgroup or lead their own Dgroup, they would answer you that they will pray about it? What do you think God will answer you? That He would change His commands to go and make disciples? What are you scared of? That you can’t commit? That you’re too shy to share your life story and be judged in the Group? Or that you’re scared to lead a Dgroup because you’re not prepared or not too confident? Well, I have good news for youJ We all are broken and that is when you can identify yourself that you are not alone. Sometimes, we think that we’re different and no one can understand us but in reality, we all go through bad days in different shapes, sizes and colors but we really all have our own struggles in life and to be in the group is the best avenue to be strengthened, be encouraged and be an encourager yourself to others too. Isn’t that awesome!?

And for those who are scared to lead their own Dgroup because you think you’re incompetent, you feel inadequate or you need more training. Well, I have good news and bad news for you. Let me tell you the bad news first. You will never feel adequate in your life. You will never feel super equipped! But I have good news for you. Do you want to hear it?:) First, you are not alone! We all feel inadequate and insufficient. No matter how many trainings and workshops to get yourself better, we would always feel this incompetence and lack of confidence. So you’re not alone. But wait, there’s more! Here’s the best good news ever. Here’s what it says in

2 Corinthians 12:9-10 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 10 That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

 God works in us when we feel incompetent and inadequate if we will only allow Him to work in us. You see when we feel competent and self-sufficient, we are telling God that we do not need Him because we’re as if telling Him that I can do it on my own. Paul would rather boast in his weakness so that God may work in Him. I would rather have God’s power in me than in my own power which is fleeting and temporary.

When I speak in front, I always feel nervous and that’s something that I would never get over with and I would love to have that nervousness whenever I speak in front because it tells me to rely on Him and not on my preparation. It allows me to trust Him and not to myself. And it is the same thing when we disciple others. God promised us in Matthew 28:18-20 …And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

And this command goes through all ages in life. Meaning, we can’t say that I’m too young for it. That’s not true. I’ve seen kids leading their own Dgroup. I wish I could borrow the video of the son of Bro Edric Mendoza. His two kids are now discipling their own Dgroup. Isn’t that amazing? So are we. Again, just “go and make disciples” Know your priorities in life, things that worth living. If God is your priority, then you will start to re-align your priorities and MAKE time for Him not find it. Do you know the acronym for the word BUSY – Being Under Satan’s Yoke – Nick Vujicik

Third, T – Trustworthy. It’s self-explanatory. We have to be trusted. But what we are to be trusted about? When we make disciples, who are we dealing with, it is God and His flock. Therefore, I propose that we have to be trusted by God’s word first and second, we have to be trusted by His flock that He has entrusted to us. Why so Bro. Jessie? We have to be trustworthy of His word because it is the very word of God and to be trusted by His word is an amazing privilege for us Christians. Not everyone has a chance to do it or be entrusted by Him. We are His Messengers. However, we have to be trustworthy not to distort His word. Why, this is what John says in Revelation

Revelation 22:18-19 I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to that person the plagues described in this scroll. 19 And if anyone takes words away from this scroll of prophecy, God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy City, which are described in this scroll.

I am not trying to scare anyone because God is with us. He will help us and He will finish what He has started in us. This is what it says in Philippians 1:6 being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. However, we have to do our due diligent of studying His word. That is our part. God won’t study His own word for you. You have to do it yourself because He has entrusted it to you and me. “Greater power comes with greater responsibility” – Friendly neighborhood Spidey. And again, to be entrusted by God’s word is an amazing privilege. You can “live for nothing or die for something.” You make a choice.

Second thing that we must be entrusted of is His flock. Again, ultimately, it is His Dgroup, not ours and we have to take care of them while they’re still with us or you are still with them. I understand that it is not an easy task to do. God knows that too. God never promised us an easy life while we’re still here on earth. Jesus Christ Himself suffered to the point of death. He knows exactly the pain of what it is like to be persecuted, condemned, ridiculed by others etc. But do you know what makes it even harder for us? When we try to serve two masters. Matthew 16:24 says Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If anyone wants to become my follower, he must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me. We must deny ourselves which means we must die to ourselves, to our selfish desire, to our own fleshly pursuit. Too much food, too much party, lust, envy, immorality, lying etc. These are all for our own self-satisfaction. God did not say go take all your baggages in life and follow me. No! He said leave everything behind and follow Him. You have to change your selfish desire into God’s desire. And again, what makes it difficult to leave those behind? Because we don’t want to give up those things that satisfy our cravings. Then we have to ask ourselves, who is really the Lord of our life. Is Jesus Christ really the Lord of your life or it is you the lord of your own life? You can’t say that he is your friend when you are not going with him, when you don’t play with him, when you don’t spend time with him. That is exactly what we are doing. We call Him Lord and God but we are not obeying Him. Are we? This is what makes it harder to obey Him because we are just playing with Him. We are not being serious about being who we are.

Again, Discipleship is about being Faithful/committed, Available and Trustworthy. We have to be a committed disciple first, be available for Him and be trustworthy of His word and His flock. If you take a look at it. God is not asking for more time for us or more meetings or Dgroup meetings that make us feel so burdened by it because you feel like you have to be in the church 24/7. No. If you will make Him that priority of your life, then everything will follow. You will get rid of the things in your life that are not really important. You will shift your worldly meetings into godly meetings. Your playing time into something worth taking your time. Your study time into a glorifying one. What God is only asking us to do is to make our lifestyle a Christian lifestyle because that’s who we are. How does that look like Bro Jessie? Many of us think that Dgroup Meeting is all about Bible Study here and there. No, you can incorporate with the things that you love to do, in your hobbies or interest whenever you meet with your Dgroup. My Dgroup would go out and eat. We went to Laguna and Pangasinan. We also play Basketball together. You can play badminton or Volleyball for girls. You can make your Dgroup fun. Sky is the limit of your creativity. That’s the beauty of being in the Dgroup. It is your second family. You can share your ideas and pain and be blessed too. You can bless and encourage others too. It is not easy but it is worth committing our life for than to die for nothing. Therefore, I propose that Discipleship is a true Christian lifestyle. We are ALL Disciples of Christ the moment we received Him as our Lord and Savior so live like one. And this command comes with a promise. It says in John 15:16 You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit, fruit that remains, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name he will give you.

Start changing your lifestyle into God’s style.  

So if you do not have a Dgroup yet, you can approach Nep and he will find you a Dgroup. We also have a Dgroup Registration link that you may access to register online. Let’s close in prayer and thank the Lord.

Again, thank you for having me and God bless!


Touchdown: (END)

1.Wrap Up and mention your Title/Main Idea if you may.

2.Practical Application

3.Commit their application in general by closing in prayer.

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