Time Flies. Hope remains...
It is the 1st day of March 2019. Another month has just gone by. Soon enough, another year after another year will also gone by before we even know it. Just like that. Time flies so fast before we even catch our breath. Time will never come back and yet some things stay the same. Some things never change that ought to change. Some things that ought to develop into something great. Some things that should have been as they are according to what they are. Some people do. It makes me wonder why that change and development of one true self never came.
Or will it ever be?
There is this glimpse of hope, no, it is way too huge of a hope. A hope that transcends all kinds of unbelief and hopelessness. It grants power to a dying environment. It will also all the more give hope to a dying soul. That hope is everlasting. A kind of hope that won’t banish into thin air. This is the confidence of the whole thing regardless of how fast time flies.
This is the hope to behold.
This is the hope we all long for.
This is the hope to run fast to.
This is the hope to cling fast to.
This is the hope that has been available to all, a hope that has been there all along that most
Of the creation fail to see because they are busy looking and creating their own type of hope
That which is so fleeting.
Time flies indeed. Yet, hope remains. So keep moving, keep going forward, keep persevering because we have that hope in Jesus Christ, an everlasting hope in a fleeting time.