2 min read
02 Apr


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Christian Community and Editorial Reviews

Christian Community Review #1:

I had never even heard of this boo before taking the Hillsdale course on C.S. Lewis.

It is small - not much more than pamphlet size - so I thought I would read it before bedtime. One week later, I am still enjoying (savoring) each sentence and do believe it will be finished tomorrow. When it is, I shall wait a week - then read it again.

C.S.Lewis has always been an easy read for me. Each paragraph in 'The Abolition of Man' causes me to stop and think - and solidify my thought before I go on. It is a magnificent polemic that has made me recognize and review much of my culture I took for granted. Some trends that Lewis has pointed out to me, I now knowingly embrace - others, I carefully reject. 

I would recommend this book to anyone! 

Christian Community Review #2:

Post-Modernism is like a copper nail in an oak tree. Eventually it poisons the tree and the oak dies. Thinking that good and evil have no relevancy to life destroys a culture and leaves it barren. That is the direction we are heading in. We are authors of our own destruction by believing that good and evil are subjective and not real. This poisoning has been going on so long that it takes on the qualities of a cancer. The body never battles cancer because it does not recognize it as a disease. The cancer then metastases and kills the body. This book was written more than 80 years ago, and yet analyzes our current condition. When truth no longer seems available, we seek something like it out. Why do you think young people are drawn to radical Islam? Read this book before your eyes are sown shut by skeptical, self centered, and mean spirited elitists disguised as social leaders.

Christian Community Review #3:

Without a doubt, CS Lewis is one of the greatest minds of the last two centuries. The Abolition of Man provides a sobering look at modernism which, in turn, provides an even harsher indictment of postmodernism and its inherent moral relativism. Since everything in this book is antithetical to what's being taught in public schools and universities today, I suppose it's futile to say that this one should be required reading. I will leave it simply that Lewis can fairly be referred to as the Mozart of critical thinking and apologia. I cannot recommend this short but profound read highly enough! 

Christian Community Review #4:

C.S. Lewis herewith provides us the quintessential "older experienced man talking to younger men" about things and attitudes that they will need to culture in themselves to be wise with their life. He covers important and courageous topics like how to "stand alone", why to study in times of war, politics from a Godly view, how to determine God's truth, etc. These are teachings that this millennial generation needs sorely due to the failures of our current educational systems which have become only propaganda tools.

Editorial Review:

C.S. Lewis's The Abolition of Man purports to be a book specifically about public education, but its central concerns are broadly political, religious, and philosophical. In the best of the book's three essays, "Men Without Chests," Lewis trains his laser-sharp wit on a mid- century English high school text, considering the ramifications of teaching British students to believe in idle relativism, and to reject "the doctrine of objective value, the belief that certain attitudes are really true, and others really false, to the kind of thing the universe is and the kinds of things we are." Lewis calls this doctrine the "Tao," and he spends much of the book explaining why society needs a sense of objective values. The Abolition of Man speaks with astonishing freshness to contemporary debates about morality; and even if Lewis seems a bit too cranky and privileged for his arguments to be swallowed whole, at least his articulation of values seems less ego-driven, and therefore is more useful, than that of current writers such as Bill Bennett and James Dobson.


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