Christian Community Review #1:
This is an updated version of the classic apologetics book that brought many people to life-changing faith in Christ. The book is more important today than ever before with the onslaught of fake news, postmodernism, relativism and universalism, even in the church. The truth of God has not changed, but the evidence pointing to it has as technological and scientific advances have revealed even more about the truth of God's Word. Josh and Sean McDowell have successfully taken on the monumental task of gathering and presenting this new evidence to bring the light of Truth to an increasingly dark world. This is a must read for anyone who is skeptical about the truth of Christianity and those who are mature in the faith and want to have the tools they need to dispute the clamoring voices of false prophets.
Christian Community Review #2:
Highly Recommended. Josh McDowell's Evidence That Demands a Verdict is an awesome book that teaches in detail all the available evidence currently regarding our belief in our Lord Jesus Christ. He divides the book into 4 main parts, 1-Evidence for the Bible, 2- Evidence for Jesus, 3-Evidence for the Old Testament, 4-Evidence for Truth.
Each section is divided further into smaller chapters, all packed with a wealth of information and data, all with appropriate references. I love this book as I know that as Christians we are not to have blind faith, but have reasonable faith. Reading books like this only strengthens our faith. Other books that are very helpful, if you did not read them yet are A Case for Christ by Lee Strobel, and Cold Case Christianity. Parts of these books may present the same type of information, but they do really complement each other. As we are to love the Lord our God with our whole hearts, minds, and strength!
This book is wonderful in hardback and also in Kindle, which is the format that I chose. The Kindle Version has all the awesome content. Plus, it also has a very extensive interactive table of contents, which makes navigating through this huge book so easy and quick. It has hyperlinks of each section, chapter, and even sections of each chapter to direct you where you need to go, especially if this is to be used as a reference.
This is a huge tome, numbering 868 pages in total. I am reading it from the beginning to the end and enjoying every word of it ! After reading it, I know I will return to it again and again and using it as a useful reference. This edition is updated from the book of the same title almost 20 years ago. This new addition has brought with it may new data, research, archaeological evidence etc. since that time. That is why I have waited to buy this book and bought it on the first day available. This is a amazing reference. It strengthens faith, and it has great information for believers and unbelievers as well! It gives us preparation for when people ask us to give an answer and to give a reason of our hope that you have. "But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect," 1 Peter 3:15, and "to always be ready to preach in and out of season, to rebuke, correct, and encourage with patience and careful instruction." 2 Timothy 4:2 I highly recommend this book ! I pray that this book will help you. May God open our spiritual eyes and enlighten our hearts to the hope of our calling ! In Jesus name, Amen.
Editorial Review:
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